Conflict of Interest and Contact Form

Individuals who serve in the leadership of the Rhode Island Academy of Physician Assistants bring to the Academy diverse interests, affiliations and areas of expertise.  Such diversity and breadth of background is valuable and beneficial to the Academy and its members.  RIAPA also recognizes that, on occasion, particular interests and activities of individual Academy leaders may come into conflict with interests and activities of RIAPA.  

Therefore, in order to maintain transparency our policy to require members of the Board of Directors, Committees, and others involved in decision-making for RIAPA to complete a disclosure form.  

Click to Review Each Section

Individuals who serve in the leadership of the Rhode Island Academy of Physician Assistants bring to the Academy diverse interests, affiliations and areas of expertise. Such diversity and breadth of background is valuable and beneficial to the Academy and its members. RIAPA also recognizes that, on occasion, particular interests and activities of individual Academy leaders may come into conflict with interests and activities of RIAPA. Therefore, the Academy has adopted the following policy, guidelines and procedure relating to potential conflicts of interest.

Members of the Board of Directors, Committees, and others involved in decision-making for RIAPA assume a fiduciary obligation to act at all times in the best interest of the Academy and to support the mission and goals of the Academy. As part of this obligation, it is essential that areas of potential conflict of interest be recognized and disclosed. A conflict of interest exists when such an individual has a material financial or beneficial interest that is likely to affect decisions made by or on behalf of RIAPA, or participates in other activities that significantly may impair the objectivity of or inappropriately influence the individual's decisions or actions in RIAPA matters. Such conflicts shall be disclosed.

1. Ownership of a material financial interest in any company that furnishes goods or services to RIAPA, or is seeking to do so, must be disclosed. (A "material financial interest" shall be defined as a financial ownership interest of 5% or more, or holding a position as proprietor, director, managing partner or key employee.)

2. Participation on governing boards, councils or committees of other organizations must be disclosed.

3. Other personal relationships, employment relationships, activities or interests that may potentially impair a leader's objectivity or inappropriately influence a leader's decisions or actions on RIAPA matters must be disclosed.

Neither current nor past leaders or office-holders of RIAPA shall use the Academy's name or their affiliation or (former) position with RIAPA in any manner that would misleadingly imply RIAPA's endorsement or support of a product, service, activity, opinion or policy.

1. Upon commencing service to RIAPA, each member of the Board of Directors, Committees, and executive staff shall complete a Rhode Island Academy of Physician Assistants Leadership Disclosure form to the best of his or her ability. As further described in the Guidelines for Disclosure, the individual shall disclose any material financial or beneficial interest(s) likely to affect his or her decision making, and any activity that may impair his or her judgment. In addition, disclosure shall be made of all affiliations, including employment, consulting arrangements, memberships on councils and boards of other organizations, and political offices.

2. Disclosure forms will be provided by the executive office of RIAPA. Completed forms shall be submitted to the Director within thirty days after the assumption of office in RIAPA.

3. Each RIAPA leader shall update and resubmit the Disclosure Form at the beginning of each new RIAPA Presidential term of office.

225 Dyer Street, Second Floor, Providence, RI 02908
401-331-3207 | Contact Us 


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